This week, I wanted to write to let you know of some things that are going on in the diocese in September. First is the 9/11 National Day of service. The Obama administration and congress declared September 11th a day of National Service in the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, which also dramatically increased funding for service programs across the country. Now it's a way of honoring Kennedy's memory, too.
The date still sticks in my mind; I was living in New York City at the time and remember such fear and uncertainty, and also anger at the political and military response to what happened that day. But 8 years later it's past time to let go of some of the anger that "9/11" still brings up in the back of my mind, and start to move forward in a more constructive way. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: "Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." That goes for hate toward "haters" as well. Toward that end, the Diocese of Massachusetts is joining the national movement and organizing a day of prayer, service, and reflection.
On Friday (9/11) and Saturday (9/12), there will be opportunity to volunteer at a number of service projects. St Stephen's in the South End, host of the B Safe program, Holy Spirit, Mattapan, St Mary's and St Mark's in Dorchester, and several other places are organizing ways for people to be partners in the ministry that those parishes engage in all year. (as an added connection for me, the 9/11 day is being organized by the diocesan intern program which I participated in before seminary and where Caroline Hunter, a member of our parish last year, is serving now). I hope we can get a group of people together to attend--let me know if you'd be interested, or if you'd like to help mobilize the Christ Church effort.
Another diocesan event happens on the same day as a Christ Church one--on September 26, we'll be having a yard sale here at church (Cathy Hughes is organizing donations--there will be more in next week's Fieldstone Crier about how and what to give)--but it's also the day of the annual diocesan "Resource Day," here at Bentley University. The theme is Discipleship: Being formed and sent in the power of the Spirit into the ministries of our daily lives. Resource Day has great workshops on a number of topics, lead by both regular parishioners of local congregations and diocesan staff. You'll find everything from The Spirituality of Parenting to Transformative Stewardship to Ministry with Veterans. Let me know if you'd like a detailed schedule with descriptions of all the workshops--there's also one posted on the "diocesan events" bulletin board. The cost is 15.00, but the parish can help pay if that's a barrier for you.
Hope to see you at one or all three of these events!