Thursday, January 8, 2009


Epiphany blessings!
It’s great to be back with you after our week away. I had a wonderful time visiting with in-laws in Arizona. I’ve never really traveled in the Southwest, and it was so restoring to be in a landscape so utterly different from what I’m used to. But it also felt so good to be back at our altar on Sunday.

On Tuesday, we observed the feast of the Epiphany. As I wrote in my piece for the Fieldstone Crier (which you’ll receive either today via email or on Saturday in the mail), Epiphany is about vocation—listening for God’s call to healing and wholeness, listening to where we are called to go and what star we are invited to follow. Our Gospels for the season have Jesus expelling demons and restoring people to (and calling people into) community—Epiphany reminds us that we aren’t traveling alone.

This week, I invite you to take some Epiphany time. What do you need to get you to Jesus? I’m not one for new year’s resolutions much myself (maybe I’m just not very ambitious), but I do try to be aware of where I’m going, and what I need to get me there. What I need is what most of us do—food, water, quiet, focus. I’ve got plenty of the first two, and it seems never enough of the latter. But there’s always another day, another season, to look for them. The resurrection is a promise that not even death can have the last word over us—God has the last word, and it’s in God’s time that I’ll come to see “face to face,” as Paul writes to the Corinthians. So for now, we look, pray, hope, day after day, year after year, following that Epiphany Star, looking for our Savior.

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