Tuesday, September 15, 2009

From 9/10: Installation preparation

In addition to getting ready for the appearance of my new baby, I've also been busily planning the installation on Tuesday. I am pretty sure there won't be a baby before then, but you never know--I guess he or she will come to the service if born in time. At the service, we'll offer prayers for the church and our work, and the bishop will lead us in a covenant of mutual ministry--promises we make to join together in mission. Part of the service involves a symbolic giving and receiving of gifts, which has been one of the more fun parts to plan. I'm going to get to give a small tree to the children that we can plant together. Paula, director of our altar guild and Eucharistic visitor, will give me a bottle of oil to symbolize our work of healing, and one of my ecumenical colleagues, Rob Mark from First Presbyterian, will give me a book of songs from the Taizé community, and I'll give Sally, Cathy, and Shawn signs of our outreach to the community, diapers and food.

It's exciting to think about what to include, but also what not to do--there are suggestions for other gifts to give from the prayer book, like keys to the church and more traditional symbols of ministry like a stole. We can't include everything, so I'm having to think about what's really, really important--bread and wine, water, light. Food for us for the sacraments, food for others for giving to Grandma's Pantry. In the one case, God gives to us as we give ourselves to God at the altar--in the other, we give to others as we receive the grace of giving. Keys to the church? Considering the fact that I'd planned to give Marcia my own keys, for her to give back to me, I think we might be able to skip that one.

I am so grateful to everyone who is organizing the reception and participating in the service--close to 30, at last count--and look forward to celebrating our ministry with you on Tuesday!


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